Marie LeBlanc Flanagan
Marie LeBlanc Flanagan is an artist working in the playful spaces between people, especially related to connection and community. Marie builds experimental video games, playful installations, and cooperative experiences and has an enduring fondness for the possibilities of trash.
Marie co-founded Wyrd Arts Initiatives; founded Drone Day; served as the editor-in-chief of Weird Canada; co-founded Imaginary Residency, an artist-run online residency; co-founded Toronto Games Week; and co-organizes GAIA.
Marie has worked with Wizard Zines, A MAZE. Berlin International Games and Playful Media Festival, The Processing Foundation, The School of Machines, Making, and Make-Believe, Ada x, Daily Tous Les Jours, and Game Arts International Network.
Where: Art Engine & Alma Duncan
When: 17:00-2:00 & 19:00-21:30